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Christmas 2020

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    Jamie Abels

Christmas 2020 was like no other before it. Family members outside our household were only seen through Zoom and Facetime. We had pancakes for breakfast, burritos for lunch, and turkey, stuffing, and green bean casserole for dinner. I spent nearly three hours in the kitchen cooking. It was exhausting, but dinner turned out great again. I'm happy with my decision to go with a replay of Thanksgiving, rather than making a meatloaf for only myself.

For Christmas this year, I got any Anycubic Photon 3D printer, two bottles of resin, a removable sticker set for Gloomhaven, Why We're Polarized by Ezra Klein, and Mythic Odysseys of Theros. Also, I got Not Necessarily Rocket Science by Kellie Gerardi on Christmas Eve as part of our family tradition. I finished my Christmas Eve book last night too.[^1]

We spent the day playing with Babels and their many gifts. We used all the new train pieces to build a gigantic track system. We did a few puzzles, played a few child friendly board games, and took a bug explorer kit out to the backyard. While the family got Babels the fun stuff, we bought the practical things: an alarm clock with nap and quiet time timers, a toddler toilet seat with ladder, and a couple of books.

When not cooking and not playing with the toddler, I setup the Photon and promptly failed the first print. I probably should have waited a few days as various materials arrive over the next week to help me process and clean up my prints.

I capped the day with Wonder Woman 1984 and bullet journaling. WW84 was fine but doesn't feel as good as the first one. I'll need to rewatch the original to confirm as it's been a few years. For my bullet journal, I spent some time thinking about collections and various spreads. I watched a few videos and scanned some subreddits for ideas. Since I was already looking a bit forward into next year, I also started writing down some ideas for goals for 2021. The usual suspects showed up: better health (mental and physical), drawing more, reading more, blogging more, and a whole host of other things. I'll keep refining it as we close out the year.

Merry Christmas everyone!

[^1] My last two Christmas Eve books have not panned out as well. I made it about halfway through Nicole Chung's All You Can Ever Know and only made it a few pages into Phillip Smith's Brotherhood.