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Telescope and Presents

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    Jamie Abels

A few years ago, my mother-in-law gave us a pair of telescopes. We left one with my parents and kept the more powerful one. We finally took it out into the backyard to try and look at the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. After quite a bit of setup, we managed to take a peek at the Moon's surface. Unfortunately, we were plagued by our neighbor's flood lights that came on when they let their dog into the backyard and never turned off. Also, the view finder is misaligned due to a dent in the telescope. We'll have to get a small hammer and try to fix it.

Since our families won't be visiting for Christmas this year, most everyone mailed their gifts directly to us. We spent the evening wrapping the majority of the gifts, running out of wrapping paper with just a few left. We also watched another episode of His Dark Materials season 2. I've enjoyed it so far but I'm ready for the big convergence in the finale.