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Status: Active
Gender: Female
Race: Aasimar (Radiant Soul)
Class: Paladin (Vengeance)
Level: 4
Background: Mercenary
Age: 28
Alignment: Lawful Good
Deity: Tyr
Height: 5'10"

Armor Class: 19
Hit Points: 28
Spell Save: 12
Spell Attack: +4


For as long as she could remember, Megaera was never alone. Her deva, Tauriel, gifted her with visions of purpose and justice throughout her youth, and guided her path toward one that served the greater good.

As a child she misinterpreted these visions by taking justice into her own hands and assaulting the local boys who teased her friends, but was quickly corrected when her family and her deva guided her towards studying at a monastery devoted to Tyr.

Once she completed her monastic studies and took the title Megaera, she began traveling the country side to earn the right to become a paladin of the Just God. She was hired by women, children, and villages seeking vengeance on those who harmed or exploited them, and underground recognition of her deeds followed in her wake.





  • Bringer of Woe
  • Iceshield Orc x4
  • Bugbear
  • Bandit
  • Crushing Wave Reaver