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    Jamie Abels

Welcome to Concrete Chaos, my personal slice of the internet. Over the past decade, I’ve maintained some sort of presence but this my latest (and hopefully most successful) attempt. Part of the reason for this new push is that I’m looking to find a new position and relocate. Another major reason is I keep stacks of spiral-bound notebooks with various creative endeavors and I’d like to share them with the wider world.

The main portion of this website is my portfolio, there you can find in-depth reports on projects I’ve worked on. This blog is probably the largest section, you can reach it two different ways, first by visiting or by going to The latter is just a re-direct to the former, but in the future I have plans to provide a different look to the content when visiting that site. Finally, there’s two large creative areas to the site. The first is the gallery which holds all of the images I upload to the website. The second area are my virtual notebooks, these are virtual representations of spiral-bound deadtree books, though the content will be far more organized and edited.

If you’re looking for more information or a way to contact me, you can visit the about page which also has a few social and coding links. I’m not looking to take on any freelance projects but I am interested in full-time software developer positions.

As for the content of this blog, below is a listing of topics I’m likely to cover:

  • Technology (Computers, Space, the Internet, Podcasting)
  • Gaming (Tabletop, Computer, Role-playing)
  • Movies & Television (Action, Sci-Fi, Fantasy)
  • Books (Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Alternate History)
  • Sports (Baltimore Orioles, Miami Heat, Seattle Sounders, Florida State Seminoles, Florida Gators)

I don’t have any particular posting schedule planned and I’m not even going to suggest a possible one. I have lots of ideas to share and as my ideas move to drafts and then to complete thoughts, I’ll post them as soon as they’re ready. Over the next few posts, I’ll take some time to introduce the various subjects that are near and dear to me.